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  These FanFiction are made by another user (not me that is). Some of them are taken from another site with permission, so if you want to put in your site please ask the respective owner.


:: Life of Dance ::

Author's Words : This is my first E+T story! Please R&R and I'm really sorry if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes! Now, let's proceed to the story! Hope you'll like it! ^-^ ( Please remember to R&R! )

Life of Dance

Chapter 1 : The Ugly Duckling

>Written By : Mita


" 1, 2, 3, 4! Keep on the beat! Come one! 1, 2, 3, 4! Sayama, you're outta the beat! And so are you, Daidouji!" Cried a female ballet instructor, Madam Shakers. " Good, Sayama! You're back into your beat! Daidouji, you're still no good!"

" Alright, stop!" Announced Madam Shakers. " Everyone, all of you did a good job, except you, Daidouji. Try to relax more when you dance. Listen to the rhythm of the music carefully. We'll be practicing for the competition next month soon! Which is actually 3 weeks from now... Alright, that's it for today!" She announced as the ballerinas separated and went to the changing room.


" Look at that Daidouji freak! She can't even dance!" Whispered a brown- haired girl, Akiko.

" So dayao! How are we going to win in the competition with such an idiot like her!" Replied a black-hair girl, Hanako.

" Oh, never mind her! She's retarded! I wonder why Madam Shakers looked up so much on her!" Said their leader, a blonde-hair girl, Deborah. " What is important is, if she doesn't dance well, no one would be looking at her! Everyone will be looking us, the graceful ballerina! Ha, ha!" Laughed the gang and they walked away.

No one really looks on me... Thought the dark, purple-haired girl. Everyone thinks that I'm too retarded to dance. She thought as she washes her face with the tap water. I'm not as stupid like what others think I am. I'm just... I'm just... to shy to dance in front of everyone. She thought as tear drip down from her cheeks. I could dance like a swan when no one's looking...

She wiped away her tears and looked herself in the mirror with a smile.

" Daijoubu! Ganbatte ne, Tomoyo chan."


" Nani?! Demo, anechan, you think I can handle all these stuff?" Asked Eriol.






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